Supporting the community and empowering them with the ability and capacity to make a living to satis...
Supporting the community and empowering them with the ability and capacity to make a living to satisfy the basic needs of their family and house.
Communities' capacity to resolve conflicts without resorting to violence or any means of harm is cru...
Communities' capacity to resolve conflicts without resorting to violence or any means of harm is crucial for the stability of durable peace in society. The responsibility to prevent an...
Human Rights
Rights are moral principles attached to the ways of life or behaviors of human beings in society. Th...
Human Rights
Rights are moral principles attached to the ways of life or behaviors of human beings in society. There are both national and international instruments protecting human rights. And ge
Media and Press Freedom
Media is the fundamental component of society that enlightens the public and the decision-makers abo...
Media and Press Freedom
Media is the fundamental component of society that enlightens the public and the decision-makers about the affairs in society. The right to freedom of expression and access to informati...
Rule of Law and Governance
Citizens' voice in decision-making that shapes society is critical, and their participation and the ...
Rule of Law and Governance
Citizens' voice in decision-making that shapes society is critical, and their participation and the protection of their rights are vital. The citizens and the governance actors must
Digital Literacy
Empowering the community with digital skills and knowledge, especially young youth including women a...
Digital Literacy
Empowering the community with digital skills and knowledge, especially young youth including women and girls.